Employee Self-realization and Diversity
Human Resource Management
- Basic policies and structure
- Human resource development/training systems
- Human resource evaluation system
Basic policies and structure
Basic concepts and policies
SECOM focuses on human resources above all else. This is because every service of the SECOM Group businesses is provided through our employees and is based on gaining trust from our customers. To develop further as a leading company in the midst of drastic changes in society, we believe that it is essential to provide working environments where all employees can fully demonstrate their passion and ability through their work.
In human resource management, following SECOM’s basic philosophy of contributing to society through our business activities, we seek to earn broad trust from society and be recognized as “a company that makes valuable contributions.” To achieve these goals, we work to secure and foster human resources who seek to contribute to society.
To address the issue of a decreasing labor force, we are implementing measures to improve productivity while promoting investment in both our people and our systems, ensuring that SECOM remains the choice of human resources with critical capabilities that cannot be replaced with technology, such as the ability to adapt to change and create value.
SECOM’s services use systems that leverage advanced technologies such as robots, AI, and IoT. However, our greatest strength lies in combining these systems with the “last one mile”—reliable and attentive human services that are provided as a point of contact with our customers. SECOM’s human resources are responsible for providing these human services, and SECOM’s Philosophy is the key to the development of those assets. Our ethical human resources, guided by our philosophy of assessing legitimacy and maintaining honesty, are part of SECOM’s core competence and will grow in importance as time goes on.
Our diverse human resources share this philosophy and work with job satisfaction and pride. This is the source of SECOM’s competitive advantage.
The Human Resource Division is responsible for management of human resources and is composed of the Recruiting Department, which handles recruiting of new employees, the Training Department, which handles education of employees and the Human Resources Department, which handles overall personnel strategy. Within our Human Resources Department, we have assigned D&I Promotion staff, who specialize in promoting diversity and inclusion. To maintain and improve employees’ health, we established the Health Promotion Office, staffed with a general occupational health physician with extensive experience in occupational health and a consultant psychiatrist.
Three SECOM HD (Human resources Development) Centers are located throughout Japan to serve as bases for skill development and provide various types of training year round.
Human resource development/training systems
Approach to Human Resource Development
SECOM believes that the quality of its services, such as security services, which deliver safety and peace of mind, is ensured by its people, and has invested heavily in human resources training. Our human resources development efforts are not simply prompted by a need for quality personnel. Rather, we believe that these efforts will also grow in importance as part of SECOM’s business strategies and differentiation strategies.
Specifically, in addition to our extensive training for new employees, we have created a level-specific human resources development system for those employees responsible for our core business, security services. We conduct group training at SECOM’s four domestic human resources development centers as well as at our regional headquarters.
The main feature of SECOM’s group training is the emphasis on teaching and advancing an awareness of SECOM’s Philosophy among employees. Even though we utilize systems and rules to oversee employees, we believe that employees must first and foremost regulate themselves by following the philosophy. We also believe that the philosophy drives employee growth and leads to job satisfaction. This concept is the foundation of the human assets development for all types of Group employees, the foundation of our management personnel training, and one of the SECOM Group’s central pillars.
We have set a target of increasing the annual training for each employee to 50 hours by 2030. To achieve that goal, we will enrich our training for employees not engaged in security services, and further enhance our human rights education. We will also continue to utilize e-learning via our internal network, allowing employees to use it at their own convenience.
Education systems
To achieve sustainable growth as a strong and flexible company, it is important for SECOM to train professionals who will carry on SECOM’s Philosophy and take responsibility in the next generation. We have established a unique training and education system that promotes further employee growth and self-realization by conducting introduction training for new employees, follow-up training, and department- and job-specific training, while also offering a subsidy system for correspondence courses.
Various training systems
Training for new employees
Induction training is held to instill new employees with aspects of SECOM’s Philosophy such as “refusing to be content with the status quo” and “being committed to doing what is appropriate,” ideas that indicate the appropriate attitude for SECOM employees, as well as the knowledge and skills needed at each workplace. These are all basic requirements for SECOM’s goal of realizing the Social System Industry.
Group training
After being assigned to a workplace, employees learn basic work duties and other important matters through OJT*1. SECOM also holds group training as a form of OFFJT*2, which offers a variety of programs for instilling employees with the latest knowledge and skills that will benefit their careers.
Through unique curricula for department- and job-specific training, employees can further deepen practical abilities useful on the front lines of their occupations.
We have also introduced VR technology for educating security personnel and are expanding our training to ensure employees acquire discernment and know-how.
*1 OJT (On the Job Training): Education in which employees acquire knowledge and skills through actual duties in the workplace
*2 OFFJT (OFF the Job Training): Education through training, etc., held outside of actual work duties
Subsidy system for correspondence courses
In order to support active self-improvement by employees, SECOM offers a variety of correspondence education courses, which promote the growth of each and every employee.
Employees can take as many courses as they want. Upon completing a course which is directly related to their work, a “self-improvement subsidy” is provided by the company. This system encourages employees to seriously consider improving their skills for the future and responds to the desire of employees who seek self-realization while working.
In recent years, we have expanded our lineup of courses that are directly beneficial to work or related to management skills, and as a result, the number of employees taking courses has increased. We will continue to revise the content of correspondence courses to create a more convenient learning environment.
Overseas study program
The overseas study program is intended to develop personnel who possess a clear vision for the future and a broad perspective. In order to broaden knowledge and experience and to learn new ways of thinking in an overseas environment, this program supports employees to study at universities and graduate schools (MBA courses) in Europe, America, and Asian countries. This program was introduced in 1979, with four or five employees sent overseas each year. After studying overseas, these employees are assigned to locations where they play active roles in various fields, such as international and management departments.
In 2016, we created a new program aimed to develop personnel specializing in a foreign country. In this program, the employees concentrate on learning the local language, etc., of the country where they are to be assigned. The application process is open to all employees, focusing on their motivation to work overseas and future vision. Thus far, this program has been used by employees to study in China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea. After completing the program, participants, both men and women, work actively in local Group companies.
Human resource evaluation system
System to support career formation
The concept of our personnel system is “evaluation and development” and “transparency and fairness.” An evaluation is made of work responsibilities, results, and areas requiring improvement as reported by the employee and of rational evaluation items that have been optimized for each occupation. Each evaluation is conducted via a fair and open system that is disclosed to employees.
Evaluations are not done simply to determine occupational rank or the amount of salary bonuses. Instead, evaluations are intended to assist self-directed employee development, and the evaluation results, reasons, future work targets, and areas requiring improvement are explained in detail to the employee during an interview.
Moreover, employees report their own future goals and aspirations to their supervisors once a year, an initiative called the “Self-Reporting System.” We have also established the “Challenge Support System,” which enables employees to request the type of work challenges they want to take on at any time.
Self-Reporting System
Once a year, employees use the Self-Reporting System to inform the company of their impressions about work and their desired future job, as well as the time and reason for that. Using this system prevents employees from becoming content with the status quo and encourages employees to seriously consider their own ideal future. It is an opportunity for employees to achieve self-realization through work.
Challenge Support System
The Challenge Support System goes one step further than the Self-Reporting System by supporting employees who wish to immediately take on the challenge of trying a different position. In this system, employees report their desired field, job, and duties, as well as the skills or certifications they possess. If the desire and skills of the employee match the needs of the company, the request will be accepted, consequently creating powerful vitality in our company.
Personnel system for fair evaluation of employee efforts and supporting self-directed growth