Financial Data

Investor Relations

Assets and Liabilities


Total current assets, at 937.5 billion yen, were down 6.9% or 69.9 billion yen. This was largely attributable to the decrease in cash on hand and in banks by 15.6% or 81.4 billion yen to 440.9 billion yen.


Total fixed assets, at 1,143.2 billion yen, were up 16.5% or 161.6 billion yen. This was mainly attributable to the increases in investment securities by 42.7% or 127.3 billion yen to 425.6 billion yen, tangible assets by 7.1% or 28.4 billion yen to 432.3 billion yen, net defined benefit asset by 25.3% or 14.0 billion yen to 69.5 billion yen.


Total current liabilities amounted to 378.3 billion yen, up 0.2% or 0.8 billion yen, owing to the increases in payables other by 14.6% or 6.4 billion yen to 51.0 billion yen and deposits received for armored car services by 3.8% or 4.5 billion yen to 123.5 billion yen, despite the decrease in other by 31.8% or 9.6 billion yen to 20.8 billion yen due to the decrease in accounts payable for equipment.


Long-term liabilities increased by 5.5% or 16.2 billion yen to 311.7 billion yen, compared to those at the end of the previous fiscal year, mainly attributable to the increases in deferred income taxes by 81.8% or 8.9 billion yen to 19.8 billion yen and lease obligations by 56.0% or 8.2 billion yen to 22.8 billion yen.


Total net assets amounted to 1,390.6 billion yen, 5.7% or 74.6 billion yen higher than those at the end of the previous fiscal year, mainly due to the increases in retained earnings by 5.6% or 61.4 billion yen, unrealized gains on securities by 116.5% or 21.8 billion yen, foreign currency translation adjustments by 112.0% or 11.7 billion yen and noncontrolling interests by 9.7% or 14.6 billion yen, despite the decrease in common stock in treasury, at cost by 37.3% or 40.7 billion yen.
