Fair Corporate Activities and Respect for Human Rights
To achieve a society free from concerns, SECOM has outlined a vision for constructing the Social System Industry—a framework of innovative and integrated services and systems that deliver safety, peace of mind, comfort, and convenience.
As SECOM works to construct the Social System Industry, we strive to maximize our corporate value and shareholder value over the medium to long term. We recognize the importance of fulfilling our responsibilities as a corporate citizen and achieving sustainable growth and development, with the aim of earning the support of our customers, shareholders, clients, employees, local communities, and other stakeholders, as a company with value worthy of trust. To this end, we have implemented a wide range of initiatives that position as important issues respect for human rights, corporate activities that eliminate all forms of discrimination, and the enhancement of corporate governance.
Our main initiatives over the last decade include the appointment of outside directors in 2013 and, since 2015, compliance with the principles of Japan’s Corporate Governance Code, which was created by the Financial Services Agency and the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In 2016, we increased by one the number of outside directors and created the voluntary Nomination and Compensation Committee to discuss the remuneration of Directors and candidates for the position of Director.
In 2017, we introduced a restricted stock remuneration system with a view toward giving Directors an incentive to further increase corporate value and further promoting the sharing of values between Directors and shareholders. In 2020, we strengthened our auditing functions with measures such as increasing the number of personnel in our internal audit departments and also worked to enhance management transparency and the diversity of our Board of Directors by appointing a female outside director. To further promote respect for human rights, we established the SECOM Group Human Rights Policy in October 2022.
Amid the major changes in the external environment and the increasing uncertainty existing today, we believe it is vital to constantly revise the regulations and systems we have established. Going forward, outside directors and outside Audit & Supervisory Board members will continue to provide independent oversight of the management team’s performance and ensure the appropriate execution of business activities under the direction of top management. Furthermore, we will enhance our corporate governance by actively working to implement measures aimed at fostering an organizational culture of respect for each and every one of our diverse employees, ensuring thorough disclosure to all our stakeholders, and strengthening compliance and risk management.