

Decarbonization and a Recycling-based Society

Protecting Biodiversity

Initiatives aimed at reducing marine plastic litter

Marine plastic litter causes a variety of problems, such as negatively impacting the oceanic environment and interfering with coastal functions. Concerns are especially high about the effects of microplastics on ecosystems, including those for humans. In recent years, the marine plastic problem has come to be regarded as a pressing global issue.

The Japanese government has formulated the “Resource Circulation Strategy for Plastics” and the “National Action Plan for Marine Plastic Litter,” enacted the “Plastic Resource Circulation Act,” and, at the G20 Osaka Summit, held in June 2019, proposed reducing additional pollution from marine plastic litter to zero by 2050, under the “Osaka Blue Ocean Vision.” Through these actions, the Japanese government has demonstrated its commitment to solving the problem of marine plastic litter.

In 2022, SECOM formulated the long-term target of eliminating the use of plastics derived from fossil resources in containers and packaging by 2045. Going forward, we will work to avoid the use of plastics derived from fossil resources in containers and packaging of our equipment, and to actively use plant-derived plastics or paper packaging instead, thus contributing to solving this social issue.

Targets for reducing marine plastic litter

Long-term targets

  • Eliminate the use of plastics derived from fossil resources in containers and packaging by 2045

Medium-term targets

  • Eliminate the use of virgin plastics derived from fossil resources in containers and packaging by fiscal 2030

PASCO’s support for sustainable forest management

Supporting the appropriate management of forest resources

PASCO CORPORATION, a SECOM Group company, uses aerial laser measurements to collect high-precision 3D topographical data, which it utilizes in forest resource studies. These studies make it possible to assess, in a short time, the amount and condition of forest resources over a wide area, as well as the geographical factors that affect production activities.

However, making improvements to forests involves work that must have the consent of the forest owners. This requirement makes it essential to confirm forest borders and owners. The average age of forest owners is rising and there are more forests whose ownership cannot be determined. Therefore, clearly determining forest borders has become an urgent task.

To address this issue, PASCO is assisting with the clarification of borders by creating methods that clearly identify forest borders by utilizing airborne measurement data and gain consent for border finalization without actually entering the forest.

PASCO will continue to leverage various cutting edge technologies to visualize forest resource information and provide support for sustainable forest management, thereby enabling forests to fulfill their various functions, while contributing to the protection of biodiversity.

Participation in local social contribution activities

Secom Industries’ environmental on-site education

Secom Industries Co., Ltd., a Group company, participates in the Shiroishi Zao Eco Forum to contribute to the local society and foster environmental cooperation. In this initiative, neighboring companies and workplaces from the same industry gather to exchange information on environment-friendly activities.

As part of these activities, we provide environmental on-site education for local elementary school students, who will be responsible for the future of society, to deepen their understanding of environmental issues and develop their capabilities as people who can think and act on their own.

In addition, Secom Industries conduct cleanup activities four to five times a year before the start of work on the roads around the head office and Miyagi Daiichi Logistics Center. We also actively participate in the Shiroishi City Sawabata River cleanup activities held in the area.

Conducting on-site environmental education for elementary school students

Participation in activities to regenerate coastal disaster-prevention forests

The SECOM Group endorses biodiversity protection activities organized by NPOs and local communities, and our employees volunteer in activities such as the Coastal Protection Forest Restoration Project.

The Coastal Protection Forest Restoration Project, which is being carried out in Natori City, Miyagi Prefecture, is an initiative organized by OISCA (The Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement-International) and the Natori City Coastal Forest Restoration Association to rehabilitate coastal disaster-prevention forests covering approximately 100 hectares (5 km in length) that were lost in the Great East Japan Earthquake tsunami. The activities are contributing to reconstruction after the earthquake and to the recovery of the habitat for small animals and birds.

In addition, our Group companies are involved in various environmental conservation activities. For example, SECOM Miyazaki Co., Ltd. participates in cleanup of loggerhead turtle spawning grounds at Akae and Kisaki beach of Miyazaki Prefecture.

Employee volunteers participating in OISCA’s Coastal Protection Forest Restoration Project
SECOM Group employees who participated in cleaning a spawning ground for loggerhead turtles

Dealing with illegal logging

Illegal logging of forests is recognized as an important global issue. In Japan, the Act on Promoting the Distribution and Use of Legally Harvested Wood and Wood Products (Clean Wood Law) went into force in 2017.

We recognize that addressing illegal logging is an important issue and conduct a questionnaire survey for suppliers to eliminate illegally harvested timber products such as imported timber.

In addition, we use FSC-certified paper for our printer paper, SECOM reports, product catalogs, and envelopes, etc., to preserve valuable forests.

Initiatives for raising awareness of biodiversity protection

Promotion of eco tours

Eco tours are trips in which travelers learn about the workings of nature and participate in activities for protecting living creatures and natural environments, while observing and experiencing nature.

Through cooperation with Wonder Dream Co., Ltd., a subsidiary that handles welfare activities for Group employees, SECOM encourages employees to participate in eco tours. We have created the “Let’s Go on Eco Tours” section on our company intranet and encourage employees to actively participate in eco tours.

SECOM’s recreational facilities serve as bases for eco tours that enable participants to grow closer to nature while having fun. These eco tours are outstanding opportunities for all employees to think about environmental issues and to increase their awareness toward environmental protection and biodiversity protection.

The intranet page encourages employees to participate in eco tours