Intelligent Systems Laboratory

About Intelligent Systems Laboratory

SECOM Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISL) was established in 1986 as the technology laboratory of SECOM Co., Ltd. SECOM proactivly adopts new technologies to provide our customers with services for peace-of-mind. For example, sensors and network communications were quickly adopted for our security services even when they were still emerging technologies. The mission of ISL is to provide safety, peace of mind, comfort, and convenience to society through innovative services.


Research theme

Human resources are important but limited for every service we provide. Thus, the key is to amplify human potential to provide better quality of service. ISL plays a major role in creating the ANSHIN platform --the central concept of the SECOM Group’s Vision for 2030-- through research in a wide variety of technologies including sensing, image processing, information processing. We are also engaged in fundamental research to engineer the concept of a service.