SECOM's Sustainable Management


Sustainability Initiatives

Towards a sustainable future

Since SECOM’s founding, we have conducted business with a commitment to ensuring that our actions benefit society, aiming to encourage customers with security concerns to think “When I need help, I ask SECOM.”

When SECOM was established as a security services provider, the core of our business was providing security for financial institutions and offices, as well as crime prevention measures for private homes, against the backdrop of an increase in crimes such as theft and robbery. While security services are still at the center of our business, customer needs continue to change with the times. Today, security measures in cyberspace and monitoring elderly parents who are living apart have taken on greater importance.

Just as in the past, one element remains unchanged: the core of our business is service that is “in close proximity to our customers.” This is one of our greatest strengths. However, it is not easy to maintain, continue, and develop such service. As the labor force decreases and society diversifies, our most important challenges are to continue to sincerely provide service to our customers, to build a human resources development system to support that service, and to create a rewarding work environment for our employees, so that they are able to demonstrate their creativity and resilience.

Responding to climate change is another important issue for realizing a sustainable society. In 2021, the SECOM Group declared Carbon Zero 2045 and also acquired SBT (Science Based Targets) certification. In addition, we joined RE100, aiming for 100% renewable energy procurement in order to achieve our long-term targets. We believe that we must accelerate our efforts toward a decarbonized society across the entire supply chain and also consider transforming to a business that does not emit greenhouse gases.

In December 2021, we established the SECOM Group Basic Sustainability Policy, which incorporates our unwavering commitment to delivering peace of mind into the future. In 2022, following deliberations by the Board of Directors, we formulated the SECOM Group Human Rights Policy and revised our Environmental Policy. We also set KGIs/KPIs for important issues and established a system of utilizing the PDCA cycle to promote sustainability activities.

Moving forward, we will continue to provide services in close proximity to our customers’ concerns and will do our utmost to succeed at our mission of contributing to solving social issues.

Framework for promotion

We have established the Sustainability Promotion Office, under the jurisdiction of the director in charge of sustainability, with the objective of integrating sustainability initiatives into business strategies. The Sustainability Promotion Office is charged with formulating sustainability policies, disseminating information across the SECOM Group, devising medium-to long-term greenhouse gas reduction targets, addressing the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and providing information to stakeholders. The status of sustainability initiatives is reported to the President and Representative Director as appropriate and matters of high importance are further reported to the Board of Directors,

The Sustainability Promotion Office also stages the SECOM Group Sustainability Meeting, which is attended by environmental and CSR managers and staff from individual business segments across the Group. Participants exchange information and hold discussions to advance initiatives related to domestic and global social imperatives, the SDGS, and responding to TCFD recommendations.

Sustainability management chart

Communication with Stakeholders

The sustainable growth of the SECOM Group’s business is gained through the understanding and trust of customers, shareholders, business partners, employees, local communities, and other stakeholders.

Accordingly, we value our relationships with all stakeholders involved in our business activities and gather diverse feedback through various opportunities and methods to utilize in our activities.

Furthermore, to promote an understanding of our initiatives and their results, we strive to provide highly transparent disclosures regarding ESG information, in line with international standards such as GRI Standards, ISO26000 and TCFD recommendations.

Stakeholder Main Communication Opportunities and Methods
  • Customers visits
  • Response at SECOM customer service centers
  • Information disclosure on website
  • Publication of magazines
& institutional investors
  • General meeting of shareholders
  • Briefings or one-by-one meetings with analysts and institutional investors
  • Disclosure of IR information on website
  • Publication of SECOM Report
  • Release of SECOM SASB Report
  • Response to ESG surveys
Business partners
  • Distribution of the SECOM Group CSR Guidelines for Suppliers, conduction of surveys
  • Distribution of the Green Design Guidelines
  • Ascertainment and reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Exchanging opinions with the SECOM Employee Meeting on Organizational Culture and SECOM Employee Union Federation
  • In-house newsletters
  • Sustainability website on the company’s intranet
  • Various consultation services
  • Conduction of Employee Satisfaction Survey
  • Partnership with the community
  • Posting information on safety and security via SNS
  • Participation in regionally-held activities
  • Social contribution activities (Supporting sports, educational opportunities for the next generation)
  • Activities by rugby team
Mass media
  • Holding press conferences
  • Holding tours of facilities
  • Responding to interviews and requests
  • Distribution of press releases and newsletters
  • Response to SDGs surveys
  • Cooperation/collaboration with activities held by national/local governments
  • Participation in government-held seminars
  • Communication through industry groups
  • Participation in various surveys
  • Cooperation in social contribution (Disaster relief, afforestation and forestation)
  • Participation in events held by NPOs, etc.
  • Communication through various groups
Future generations
  • Providing internship programs
  • Recruitment activities
  • Holding tours of R&D centers
  • Sponsoring children’s events