Management Information

Investor Relations

A Message from the President

Established in 1962, SECOM is recognized as Japan's first security services provider. Since then, we have been providing reliable peace of mind with our strong desire to create services that benefit society, in line with our social mission of helping to achieve a society free from concerns.

SECOM has sought to develop innovative services, launching Japan's first on-line commercial security system in 1966, and home security system in 1981.

In 1989, SECOM declared its commitment to creating the Social System Industry, which is a framework that delivers safety, peace of mind, comfort and convenience that are essential in daily life. Today, our business portfolio encompasses security services, fire protection services, medical services, insurance services, geospatial information services, and BPO and ICT services. We also actively expand outside Japan, currently providing security services in 12 countries and territories, and establishing presences in a total of 16 countries and territories as the SECOM Group.

Yasuyuki Yoshida
President and Representative Director

Operating in an environment characterized by drastic change and mounting uncertainty, with the aim to further speed the realization of the Social System Industry, in 2017, we formulated the SECOM Group's Vision for 2030, which positions 2030 as a milestone. As part of our vision, we are working to create the ANSHIN Platform, a service infrastructure anchored in the relationship of trust that SECOM has cultivated with the society. Created in collaboration with partners who share our mission and have diverse technologies and expertise ("Co-Creation" strategy), this infrastructure is designed to provide peace of mind to people in their everyday lives, as well as to society as a whole.

By creating its ANSHIN Platform, SECOM aims to provide enduring peace of mind to an ever-changing society.

To further accelerate growth toward the achievement of our Vision for 2030, we are currently promoting business strategies in Japan and overseas, as well as human resources and sustainability strategies, under the SECOM Group Road Map 2027, which clarifies the direction the SECOM Group should take by 2027. We are also working to capitalize on advanced technologies and extensive know-how to create new services that provide safety and peace of mind in all situations.

Going forward, through our efforts to realize the ANSHIN Platform, we aim to provide enduring peace of mind to an ever-changing society. By resolving diverse social imperatives, we will continue to grow together with society and achieve sustainable enhancement of our corporate value.
