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Mar. 16, 2023



SECOM has been recognized as the "Leader Board" in CDP's "Supplier Engagement Evaluation" for three consecutive years

SECOM CO., LTD. (Headquarters: Shibuya, Tokyo, President: Ichiro Ozeki) has once again been selected for the "Leader Board", the highest rating in the "Supplier Engagement Rating" of the Climate Change Questionnaire conducted by the international environmental NGO, CDP, in 2022. This marks the third consecutive year that SECOM has received this recognition.

The CDP's "Supplier Engagement Rating" evaluates the efforts of corporations towards climate change throughout their entire supply chain from four perspectives: "Governance", "Reduction Targets", "Scope 3", and "Engagement with Suppliers (Collaboration)", and recognizes companies demonstrating exceptional initiatives as "Leader Board" companies. In the 2022 fiscal year, the top 8% of evaluated companies, totaling 653 companies (of which 131 were Japanese), were selected for the "Leader Board".

SECOM recognizes that the preservation of the global environment is essential for a safe and comfortable life. Based on our corporate philosophy of "Contributing to society through our business," we practice environmentally conscious business activities. On December 15 of the previous year, SECOM was also selected as an "A-list company", the highest rating in CDP2022's Climate Change Questionnaire.

Until now, SECOM has called for its main suppliers to calculate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, striving for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire supply chain. SECOM will continue to collaborate with stakeholders such as trading partners to aim for the realization of a decarbonized society.


The CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is an international environmental NGO established in the UK in 2000. It provides a global system for measuring, disclosing, managing, and sharing environmental information of corporations and cities. On behalf of institutional investors, it urges companies, organizations, and cities around the world to disclose information about the environment and resources through questionnaires on climate change, water resources, forests, etc., and promotes measures to reduce environmental impact.

■ List of "Leader Board" companies in the Supplier Engagement Rating

■ SECOM's "Sustainability" site

■ Press Release: Achieving the highest rating "A List" in CDP's Climate Change Survey (December 15, 2022)